Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Baking Experiment

Hi guys,

So this stuff was supposed to go up yesterday, but after the afternoon I had, I was just too exhausted.
So to fill you in, my sister got back in from school yesterday only to let me know (with an afternoon’s notice) that there was going to be a mini fundraiser at her school for Haiti.  That there was a bake sale, and that it would be a good idea if I did something from that.
So I thought it would be a good idea to do a variety of different things… a batch of cupcakes, an apple pie, some chewy granola cookies and some cinnamon bun bread.  I started off with the cinnamon bun bread that I showed you guys from last weekend, and commenced to do something I’ve never tried before- a woven latticed apple pie.

I was so excited the whole way through, and I’m so glad I did it!

 You guys have no idea how many years I’ve wanted to do that! I don’t know, there’s something so satisfying about a lattice top. And here’s a pic of it out of the oven.

So I did the multicolour cupcakes from a few weeks back, except with a lemon cupcake recipe that I’d never tried before, and from all accounts I hear it tasted good (food colouring and I don’t get on well together, you know with my allergies and all).

Near the end of the night (it must have been near 10.30) I decided I’d try some Chewy Granola Cookies that had all sort of good stuff, and they turned out amazing too! (I had 6 that night... yeah. no good at all!)

It definitely was a great experience (except for me throwing out my back by the end of it!)
So the lesson from all this, never ever go on a baking binge. 
It’s may be harmful to your health.

Thanks for listening,
Lots of love,

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