Saturday, December 19, 2009

What to do?

Hi Guys,

So I've been thinking a lot over the past few days on ways to make my YouTube channel (lylaslife) work.
To tell you the truth it's really been bugging me that I lack the knowledge (and mostly the skills) to make something good.

I've spend the past 3-4 days glued to the computer researching, watching the styles of some of my favorite YouTubers to figure out what makes their videos work.

So far I've made a mental list and have come to the conclusion that only a few types of videos work (and these are in no particular order):

1. Comedy- any type whatsoever [as long as you're actually funny]
2. Personal vlogs (if you have have an interesting life and happen to be funny-ie shaycarl)
3. Anything to do with cute fluffy kittens/ things being smashed [hopefully not the kittens]
4. Are a major celebrity or record label
5. How to tutorials (Makeup & Style/Tech/ Interior/Random etc.)

So I thought 'hey... that's quite a bit, I'm sure I could do something  that could fit in with that'.
And the following ensued:

1. Comedy- any type whatsoever [as long as you're actually funny]  Crap. I'm not funny in the slightest.
2. Personal vlogs (if you have have an interesting life and happen to be funny-ie shaycarl) again not funny, and don't really have that interesting a life (plus I'm really bad at conveying it)
3. Anything to do with cute fluffy kittens/ things being smashed [hopefully not the kittens] don't have the patience and my kitten isn't that fluffy (or amusing)
4. Are a major celebrity or record label - clearly not the case
5. How to tutorials (Makeup & Style/Tech/ Interior/Random etc.) I can show you how to tie a knot. That's about it. 

So yeah... I'm can do....... exactly.
I'm so stuck, and I really really really want to make this work.

And at the end of the day who cares about my opinions and what I have to say?
Really though. 

That's right.
No One.

Thanks for listening,

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